“Lentor Hills Residents May Enjoy Longer Leases in Black and White Houses”

The Lentor Hills residential area in Singapore is seeing a trend of longer leases for both black and white houses. This is due to the increasing demand for rental properties in the area, as well as the 8 Hullet development project that is currently underway.

The 8 Hullet project is a major development project that will bring more housing options to the area. It will include a mix of residential and commercial properties, as well as a shopping mall and other amenities. This project is expected to bring more people to the area, which in turn will increase the demand for rental properties.

The longer leases for black and white houses in the Lentor Hills area are a result of this increased demand. Landlords are now more willing to offer longer leases, as they know that they will be able to find tenants more easily. This is good news for tenants, as they can now enjoy the security of a longer lease.

The 8 Hullet project is expected to be completed by the end of 2021, and it is expected to bring even more people to the area. This will further increase the demand for rental properties, and landlords will likely continue to offer longer leases.

Overall, theĀ Lentor Hills Residences project is a great development for the Lentor Hills area. It will bring more housing options to the area, as well as more amenities. It will also increase the demand for rental properties, which will benefit both landlords and tenants.

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